Charazad “Gina’s Latex”

The Secondlife Outfit “Gina’s Latex” includes dress and pants in full-colored, transparent and fibered version, bow and boots in full-colored version, glitter for dress optional.
You can wear it with Maitreya, Maitreya Petite, Legacy, Legacy Perky, eBody Reborn, Inithium Kupra Bimbo, Low and Original and Belleza GenX Curvy.

You will find it in the Marketplace and in our Mainstore. Each Fatpack with 144 different colors and 30 bonus-colors 2023 and 2024 for 299 L$, for group members in Mainstore only 270 L$.

Simtip: The Forgotten
A magical swamp born from sorrow, lighting the way for explorer’s to follow. A castle in ruin, gardens left to despair. Eyes of lost statues left only to stare. Whispers of sadness from voices long gone, dancing fairy dust left to sing its last song.