Charazad “Caress my Latex-Soul”

The outfit “Caress my Latex-Soul” includes the dress (transparent, fibered und full-colored version) with 144 different colors, separate changeable.
You can wear it with Maitreya, Maitreya Petite, Belleza (Isis, Freya), Slink (Physique, Hourglass), Tonic Curvy, eBody Curvy, Altamura, Signature Alice, StarBody, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Kupra (Original, Low, Bimbo).

From 10th of July till 30th of July 2021 Charazad Design goes to Gala Fair. You can buy it exclusive here.

After you will find it in the Marketplace and in our Mainstore
Each Fatpack 199 L$, for group members in Mainstore only 180 L$.

Simtip: Rivendell – The Lord of the Rings
Bruchtal – Herr der Ringe – Elfen – Elben – Elven
flickr-grpup : https://www.flickr.com/groups/3181136@N23/
Elbish people are nice, quiet, smiling and full of love and hope. So please accept the place as what it is…. peaceful and friendly. ++