Charazad “Funny Latex”

These Second Life Clothes “Funny Latex” includes dress and harness in full-colored, fibered and transparent version, heels in full-colored version. It has 144 different and 30 bonus colors, metals in 10 colors, separate changeable.

You can wear this Second Life Clothes with Maitreya, Legacy, Legacy Perky, eBody Reborn, Kalhene Erika (sorry, no heels), Kupra Original (sorry, no heels), Belleza Genx Classic and Belleza GenX Curvy.

From 13th of April till 3rd of May Charazad “Funny Latex” goes exclusive to XXX Original Event.
After you will find it in the Marketplace and in our Mainstore. Each Fatpack for 299 L$, for group members in Mainstore only 270 L$.

Simtip: Saturated
Rain, it can bring life. But when the ground’s had it’s fill, first comes damage, next destruction. Death is last. Are we saturated?
Are we better off with these constant inputs or was less more? When was the last time we savored anything?