Charazad “Sina’s Latex”

The Secondlife Outfit “Ruby’s Latex” includes corset, skirt and warmer in full-colored, transparent and latex-lace version. bows and bands corset, bows warmer and boots in full-colored version.
You can wear it with MaitreyaX, MaitreyaX Petite, Maitreya, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Legacy Bombshell, eBody Reborn, eBody Reborn Waifu, Inithium Kupra, Starbody (sorry no boots) and Kalhene Erika (sorry no boots).
Outfit has 144 different colors and 30 bonus-colors 2024, separate changeable.

You will find it in the Marketplace and in our Mainstore. Each Fatpack with 144 different colors and 30 bonus-colors 2024 is for 299 L$, for group members in Mainstore only 270 L$.

Simtip: LeLoo’s World Shark Week
It’s that time of the year again when we cautiously dip our toes into the water, our eyes scanning the watery horizon for that dark shadow moving just below the surface. Yes, it’s SHARK WEEK!