Charazad “Latex Explosion”

The outfit “Latex Explosion” includes dress (transparent und full-colored version) . Dress and belt/collar-colors can change separately. You will have 3 kinds of knobs/metals.
You can wear the dress with Maitreya, Belleza (Freya), Slink (Physique and Hourglass), Legacy, , eBody, and Kupra (Bimbo and Original).
You will find it in the Marketplace and in our Mainstore
Each Fatpack 199 L$, for group members in Mainstore only 180 L$.

Simtip: * n o u r i s h *
Welcome to Nourish.
We built this for our own fun last year during a global pandemic.
We wanted to know what it would be like if Lockdown never ended… let the plants and nature take over. So welcome to our little piece of calm. Please explore all!