Charazad “Feel the Springtime”

The outfit “Feel the Springtime” includes pants, top and vest (patterned, full-colored, light-transparent and laced version) with 12 different pattern and 144 colors.
You can wear the outfit with Maitreya, Belleza Freya, Slink (Physique, Hourglass), Legacy, Tonic Fine, eBody Reborn and Kupra.

You will find it in the Marketplace and in our Mainstore in Secondlife.
Each Fatpack 299 L$, for group members in Mainstore only 270 L$.

Simtip: Faded – LANA
When things fade away and you just lose yourself for a moment. It will be okay. Enjoy the nature, animals and weird mess.
Everyone is welcome to hang out, we are all LGBTQ, Furry and Children friendly! #FadedLanaSL on flickr photos and I will find you.