Charazad “Drew’s Spring”

The Secondlife Outfit “Drew’s Spring” includes dress and pullover in patterned, full-colored, light-transparent and lace version, corset in patterned and full-colored version, boots in full-colored version, metals dress, corset and pullover with 3 colors.
You can wear it with MaitreyaX, Maitreya, Legacy, Legacy Perky, eBody Reborn, eBody Reborn Waifu and Inithium Kupra.

Outfit has 144 different colors and 30 bonus-colors 2024 and 12 different pattern, separate changeable.

You will find it in the Marketplace and in our Mainstore. Each Fatpack with 144 different colors and 30 bonus-colors 2023 299 L$, for group members in Mainstore only 270 L$.

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